Board of Directors Elections Process

  • i. Board elections must be held during the school year on a day when the school is open.

  • ii. Board election dates and voting procedures will be advertised to eligible voters at least 30 calendar days prior to the election day by posting the information on the School’s website.

  • iii. Interested Board candidates must complete an application by the established deadline. The Board also recommends that all interested candidates: (1) attend a Board meeting and (2) serve on at least one committee prior to nomination to serve on the Board.

  • iv. The School will notify eligible voters of the candidate’s names, biographies, and candidate statements at least 10 calendar days before the election and will post this information on the School’s website.

  • v. The election policies and procedures will be outlined by the Governance Committee and published on the School’s website.

  • vi. Each eligible voter may only vote one time.

  • vii. Once all votes are tabulated, the newly appointed Directors will be notified and announced in the School’s all-school communications (e.g., website, bulletin/newsletter) to take their place on the Board of Directors on July 1st.