Health Information
Keeping Students & Staff Healthy
Children should remain at home if they have the following illness conditions:
Student is not feeling well enough to fully participate in daily class routines due to common cold symptoms.
Student has had a fever of 100 degrees or more. The student should stay home for 24 hours after the temperature returns to normal without fever reducing medication such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
Student has vomited or has/had diarrhea. The student will need to stay home until 24 hours after the last episode without the use of medication.
Student has had any rash that may be disease-related or the cause is unknown.
Student has a contagious condition like chicken pox, strep throat, etc. The student will need to remain home until 24 hours after first dose of medication and/or with a return to school clearance note from a physician.
Agamim follows guidelines from the MN Health Department for reporting contagious illnesses, please let the school know if your child has a contagious illness.
Please notify the school if your child is absent due to illness.
Phone: (952) 856-2531, Ext. 410
Email: info@agamim.org
Absences must be reported daily, except in the case of vacation (please include start and end dates in the notification). If your student is absent due to illness for 3+ consecutive days, a doctor’s note must be provided to excuse them.
Unreported Absences will be considered unexcused.
Student Immunizations
Please send your required immunization and health forms to the school. We need these important records as soon as possible to prepare our staff and equip our health office to meet your child’s needs on day one of school.
Students legally cannot start school unless they’ve submitted their records and are current on immunizations or have submitted the appropriate exception form.
Forms can be:
Faxed to us at 952-856-2728 (Attn: Health Office)
Emailed to info@agamim.org
Mailed/dropped off at Agamim Classical Academy, Attn: Health Office, 5300 France Avenue South, Edina, MN 55410
Student Immunization Form
A document to track your child’s vaccines or process an exemption.
Are Your Kids Ready?
A helpful document from the Minnesota Department of Health to determine the required vaccines for your child.
Screenings & Health Services
Agamim provides hearing and vision screening each year for new students and on a rotational basis for various grade levels. Families are notified of screening schedules in school newsletters.
We also contract each year with a local dentist to provide free dental care to families who qualify.
Seizure Smart School
Agamim is a Seizure Smart School!
Starting in 2021, MN law requires schools to be Seizure Smart. We partner with the MN Epilepsy Foundation each year to keep our Seizure Smart School status. To be considered Seizure Smart, schools must have met three criteria: All students with epilepsy/seizures have an updated action plan on file at school, school nurses and school staff providing medical care are trained in seizure response, and all school staff are trained in seizure response.
Resources and Forms
Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare
If you are looking for information related to applying for Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare, use this main resource page.
Medication Administration Consent Form
If you will be bringing any medication to the school to be administered by either school or child, you must use this form.