Board Approved Policies & Compliance Procedures
100 Series:
School District
108: School Directory Policy (Revised 4.25.2022)
109: Whistleblower Policy (Revised 4.25.2022)
200 Series:
Board of Directors
202: Conflict of Interest for Board Members (Revised 5.23.2022)
203: Policy Development, Adoption, and Implementation of Policies (Revised 9.19.2022)
214: Out-of-State Travel by School Board Members (Revised 5.23.2022)
243: Gifts to Staff and Board (Revised 8.22.2022)
400 Series:
401: Equal Employment Opportunity (*Related Reporting Form) (Revised 8.22.2022)
402: Harassment and Violence (*Related Reporting Form) (Revised 2.27.2023)
403: Conflict of Interest for Employees (*New Version Approved 6.26.2023)
404: Nepotism (Revised 5.22.2023)
405: Employee Right to Know — Hazardous Substances (Revised 5.22.2023)
406: Public and Private Personnel Data (Revised 11.20.2023)
407: Mandated Reporting (Revised 5.23.2022)
408: Discipline, Suspension, and Dismissal of School Employees (New Policy Approved 2.26.2024)
412: Expense Reimbursement (Revised 11.20.2023)
419: Tobacco-Free Environment (New Policy Under Review)
427: Workload Limits for Special Education Teachers (New Policy Under Review)
441: Family and Medical Leave Act (Revised 5.23.2022)
500 Series:
501: Uniforms (Revised 9.18.2023)
502: Attendance (Revised 9.18.2023)
503: Enrollment Policy and Lottery Procedures (Revised 9.23.2024)
504: Early Kindergarten Admission (Revised 9.18.2023)
506: Bullying Prevention and Response (*Related Reporting Form) (New Version Approved 10.23.2023)
507: Equal Educational Opportunity (*Related Reporting Form)
508: Student Parental, Family, and Marital Status Nondiscrimination (*Related Reporting Form)
509: Student Sex Nondiscrimination (*Related Reporting Form) (Revised 9.19.2022)
511: Wellness (Revised 11.25.2024)
Wellness Policy, Programming, and Stakeholder Involvement Information
Triennial Assessment of Wellness Policy 511 (Conducted March, 2024; Next Assessment is 2026-2027 school year)
512: Student Use of Cellular Phones and Other Personal Electronic Devices (Approved 4.24.2023, Effective 5.1.2023)
513: School Weapons (Revised 12.18.2023)
514: Search of Student (Under review)
515: Student Dress and Appearance (Revised 11.20.2023)
517: Student Discipline (Revised 12.18.2023)
518: Protection and Privacy of Student Records
3 Appendices for Policy 518: Public Notice, Juvenile Justice System Request for Information, and Authorization for Release of Information on Student
519: Concussion (Approved 5.22.2023)
520: Student Medication
520.5: Overdose Medication (Approved 10.23.2023)
521: Student Disability Non-Discrimination (*Related Reporting Form)
522: Internet Acceptable Use (Revised 12.19.2022)
524: Pledge of Allegiance (Revised 10.23.2023)
525: Use of Peace Officers and Crisis Teams to Remove Students with IEPs from School Grounds
526: Violence Prevention - Applicable to Students and Staff (Approved 2.26.2024)
527: School-Sponsored Student Publications and Activities (Approved 12.16.2024)
557: Student Transportation and School Bus Safety (Revised 1.22.2024)
600 Series:
Education Programs
601: Religion
700 Series:
Non-Instructional Operations & Business Services
701: Food Service and Unpaid Meal Charges Procedures (Revised 1.27.2025)
702: Fund Balance Policy
704: Development and Maintenance of an Inventory of Fixed Assets and a Fixed Asset Accounting System
707: Procurement Policy (Revised 7.31.2024 and 8.8.2024)
709: Adoption of School Budget and Expenditure Authority Policy
710: Reserve Balances and Fiscal Management Practices Policy
711: Fundraising Policy
715: Student Transportation Policy
Student Transportation Form
800 Series:
Buildings and Sites
802: Crisis Management Policy (Revised 11.28.2022)
803: Health and Safety Policy (Revised 11.28.2022)
808: COVID-19 Face Covering Policy (*Currently not in effect.)
Section 504
Grievance Procedures
504 Coordinator: Ms. Davis,, 952-856-2531, ext.101
Title IX
Grievance Procedures
Title IX Grievance Procedures: Student Sex Nondiscrimination
Title IX Coordinator: Ms. Morton,, 952-856-2531, ext.301
Restrictive Procedures Plan
Assurance of Compliance Equity Laws
This online resource includes links to laws such as Section 504, Title IX, and more. There are two sections: one for federal laws and one for Minnesota state laws.
Human Rights Coordinator and Compliance Official: Ms. Morton,, 952-856-2531, ext.301
U.S. Department of Education: Office of Inspector General
The OIG Hotline is available for anyone who knows of or suspects fraud, waste, abuse, mismanagement, or violations of laws and regulations involving U.S. Department of Education funds or programs. This includes allegations of suspected wrongdoing by Department employees, contractors, grantees, schools and school officials, persons in positions of trust involving Department funds or programs, collection agencies, recipients of student financial assistance, or lending institutions. If you have knowledge of any wrongdoing involving Department funds or operations, please contact the U.S. Department of Education: