Faculty & Staff


Leadership Team

Head of School & Executive Director: Ms. Morton, ext. 301, mmorton@agamim.org
Assistant Director: Mr. Rehwaldt, ext. 302, srehwaldt@agamim.org
Officer Manager & MARSS Coordinator: Ms. Warosh, ext. 300, cwarosh@agamim.org

Operations & Student Activities Team
Director of Admissions and Operations: Ms. Fenske, ext. 303, sfenske@agamim.org
Dean of Food Services: Ms. Boulden, kboulden@agamim.org

Classical Academic Deans
Dean of Classical Literacy: Ms. Carlson, ext. 311, spcarlson@agamim.org
Dean of Classical Mathematics: Mr. Hauge, ext. 225, dhauge@agamim.org
Dean of Classical Arts: Mr. Menzies, ext. 228, lmenzies@agamim.org

Special Services Team
Director of Special Education: Dr. Grossman, ellen@uptickeducation.net
Director of Special Services (Part-Time, Special Education Academics & SEL): Dr. Barber, ext. 100, sbarber@agamim.org
Licensed School Social Work & 504 Program Coordinator: Ms. Davis, ext. 100, mdavis@agamim.org

School of Grammar Faculty (K-4)

Kindergarten Teacher & Dean of Classical Literacy: Ms. Carlson, spcarlson@agamim.org
First Grade TeacherMs. Lawler, leahlawler@agamim.org
Second Grade TeacherTBD
Second Grade Teacher: Ms. Lynch, klynch@agamim.org
Third Grade Teacher: Ms. Schmidt, kschmidt@agamim.org
Fourth Grade Teacher: Ms. (Maydew) Stenger, estenger@agamim.org

School of Logic Faculty (5-8)

Dean of Classical Arts & Languages Teacher: Mr. Menzies, lmenzies@agamim.org
Dean of Classical Mathematics Teacher: Mr. Hauge, dhauge@agamim.org
History Teacher: Mr. Barnhart, abarnhart@agamim.org
Science Teacher: Mr. Hanscom, mhanscom@agamim.org
Language Arts Teacher: Ms. Scobbie, escobbie@agamim.org

Classical Arts & Languages Faculty

Hebrew & Israel Studies Teacher: Ms. Silidor, osilidor@agamim.org
Student Success Specialist (Special Services in the Hebrew Classroom):
Ms. Askarov, raskarov@agamim.org
Dean of Classical Arts & Languages Teacher: Mr. Menzies, lmenzies@agamim.org
Art Teacher: Ms. Tausz, atausz@agamim.org

Special Education Administration

Director of Special Education (Part-Time): Dr. Grossman, ellen@agamim.org
Director of Special Services (Part-Time, Special Education Academics & SEL): Dr. Barber, sbarber@agamim.org
Licensed School Social Work Program Lead: Ms. Davis, mdavis@agamim.org
Special Services Coordinator: Ms. Warosh, cwarosh@agamim.org

Special Services Faculty

Multilingual Teacher & Coordinator: Mr. Elkins, delkins@agamim.org
Title I Teacher (Part-Time): Ms. Plaisance, mplaisance@agamim.org
Academic Interventions Teacher & District Assessment Coordinator: Mr. McCarthy, dmccarthy@agamim.org
Academic Interventions Teacher (Part-Time)—General Education: Ms. Hagemeister, ahagemeister@agamim.org
General Education Paraprofessional (Food Service): Ms. Cole, ccole@agamim.org
General Education Paraprofessional (Food Service): Ms. Brown, abrown@agamim.org

Licensed School Social Work & 504 Program Coordinator: Ms. Davis, mdavis@agamim.org
Licensed School Social Worker: Ms. Baird, jbaird@agamim.org
Lead Behavior Specialist: Ms. Macemon, amacemon@agamim.org

Special Education Teacher: Ms. Grabow, egrabow@agamim.org
Special Education Teacher: Ms. Karako, gkarako@agamim.org
Special Education Teacher: Ms. Lawler, llawler@agamim.org
Special Education Teacher: Ms. Menke, emenke@agamim.org
Special Education Teacher: Ms. Tolkinen, ttolkinen@agamim.org

Student Success Specialist: Ms. Askarov, raskarov@agamim.org
Student Success Specialist: Mr. Bowles, bbowles@agamim.org
Student Success Specialist: Mr. Eliason, teliason@agamim.org
Student Success Specialist: Ms. Heino, kheino@agamim.org
Student Success Specialist: Mr. Hutchinson, ahutchinson@agamim.org
Student Success Specialist, Ms. Mancl, mmancl@agamim.org
Student Success Specialist, Mr. Murkey, cmurkey@agamim.org
Student Success Specialist: Mr. Pasket, rpasket@agamim.org
Student Success Specialist: Ms. Schulz, jschulz@agamim.org
Student Success Specialist, Mr. Treber, dtreber@agamim.org
Student Success Specialist, Mr. Ward, sward@agamim.org

Consultants & Specialists

Director of Special Education: Dr. Grossman, ellen@uptickeducation.net
Due Process Coordinator and Autism & DCD Specialist:
Ms. Rachelle Schaust, rachelle.schaust@nova-education.org
Paraprofessional Coach (Part-Time): Ms. Kelly Sawyer, kelly@agamim.org
Autism & DCD Consultant: Ms. Sharon Lovegren, sharonlovegren@outlook.com
DAPE: Ms. Jessica Burfeind, jessica@movingmattersdape.com
Occupational Therapist: Ms. Kayla Schulzkayla@agamim.org
School Nurse: Ms. Carly Smitkowskicarly@agamim.org
In-House School Psychologist: Ms. Nicole Dibble, nicole@agamim.org
Contracted School Psychologist: Dr. Doug Andersondouganderson@solutionsandstrengths.com
Speech & Language Clinician: Ms. Kerry Schmidt, kerry@agamim.org

AmeriCorps Team 2024-2025

MN Reading Corps:  Ms. Oates (part-time, grades K-3); Ms. LoRusso (part-time, grades K-3)
MN Math Corps: Ms. Lee (part-time, grades K-3)

Groves Learning Partnership 2024-2025 (Reading)

Groves Literacy Coaches:  Ms. Berg and Ms. McDermott

Due Process Team

Human Rights Coordinator:  Ms. Mortonmmorton@agamim.org, 952-856-2531
Title IX Coordinator: Ms. Mortonmmorton@agamim.org, 952-856-2531
504 Coordinator: Ms. Davis, mdavis@agamim.org, 952-856-2531